Sunday, November 27, 2011


     Everywhere we go there are brands. Some more well-known that others. Some more expensive that others. Some more desirable than others. Some better than others. Most, the same as any other "normal" brand.

     Coach. A brand I know all too well. Everywhere I go, I'm exposed to this hierarchy of this, for me, undesirable brand. It starts out small, with a 22 dollar roller ball containing a microscopic amount of perfume. Then, a 48 dollar bracelet that is wooden, ugly pink rhinestones glued on, or maybe a card holder that holds 1 card. Next, a 68 dollar wristlet with purple sequence vomitted onto it. Or maybe, 75 dollars for a 1.7-ounce-bottle of perfume. And for some pocket change you could buy a scarf plastered with the signature "C" for a mere $128. And if you want to spend a bit more, you could get something such as a wallet for the low low price of just $598!
     This is one of many name brands that people blow their money on every day. From cars and clothes to coffee maker and milk. In a few brands, there really are differences in quality of the product verses another less-expensive brand. But when faced with the choice of purchasing a $20 bag from target or a $100 bag from Coach, I think my choice is obvious.
     Yet, I'm meant to believe this spending a large sum of money on an everyday product is desirable. No thanks. Burning money is cheaper.

Just some thoughts from behind the lenses.


    Oh, goody. Another post about politics and all the crap that comes with it. Republicans this and Democrats that and all the other parties in between. Liberal, conservative, independent. Blah blah blah blah blah...
     Yes, it's about voting who runs the country. And some may call it a lifestyle. But do we really need another label to section people off into their little groups, never to escape? No. We have enough of those as is. Rich, poor, gay, straight, girl, guy, young, old. And here we are with more. At one point, when new government in America was starting to take place, these parties meant something. Now, they're not really that important. Whether you call yourself a part of one party or another, it doesn't change your thoughts or who you're going to vote for.
    Another unnecessary label to divide a nation once called the Melting Pot. Another reason to separate ourselves from others not of our kind. Another reason to spark arguments with someone of that party. Really, who cares?

Just some thoughts from behind the lenses.